Playing pieces
The playing pieces are hexagon-shaped blocks of wood. One side is painted blue while the other side is painted yellow, and they are stuck together with a black core!
the goal
Put your playing pieces in our communication tower to boost your signal! Also build the highest, most stable tower with your playing pieces to win against your opposing team!
Most Important Rules
2 Starting Zones
This year, robots can start in 1 of 2 starting zones of their colour!
The Main Attraction
Watch robots play as a team to repair our communication tower. The higher they stack the router, the more they boost their signal!
On your mark. Get set. Go!
Make sure you communicate with your peers! You’ll need to work together to build the most stable communication tower!
Scoring Points
Putting your playing pieces with your colour facing upward in the towers will get you points depending on the level in the tower.
Bonus Points
Who doesn’t love bonus points!? These are awarded if you build the highest, most stable tower of playing pieces in your endzone!
Time's up!
5 minutes per heat! How much can you boost our signal with your playing pieces during this time? Only strategy will tell!


2022 FACT SHEET - senior

full rulebook - senior

2022 fact sheet - junior

full rulebook - junior

game explanation video - senior
AVIA 2023
When: February 16-18, 2023
Where: École secondaire Curé-Antoine-Labelle, 216 Blvd Marc-Aurèle-Fortin, Laval, QC H7L 1Z5
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