About the CRC Robotics Competition

What sets it apart from the rest

We are affordable, really!

Our registration fees are significantly lower than those of other robotics competitions.

We are student-oriented, really!

The CRC Robotics Competition is not a competition between mentors and sponsors, performed by students. It is a competition for students, by students, surrounded by mentors.

A multidisciplinary approach to education

The CRC Robotics Competition integrates STEM with visual arts, computer simulations, 3D and 2D animations, drama, web design, marketing, interior decoration, and, of course, tons of fun!

It offers challenging learning opportunities not only for STEM-oriented students, but also for students with talents and interests in arts and humanities. We also thrive on diversity, and open our competition to students of any gender.

The immensely enriching challenge of building and programming a robot is a corner stone of the event, but that is only one of the challenges the CRC Robotics Competition creates for participants!

The CRC Robotics Competition is truly a life-changing adventure. While other competitions brag about targeting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), the CRC expands its reach beyond STEM to offer a multidisciplinary array of engaging challenges. Yes, the CRC Robotics Competition might be small in size, but it is the highest in density and holds most dimensions!

Joseph El-Helou

Physicist and robotics mentor, Collège Sainte-Marcelline, Montréal

The CRC Robotics Competition is a coherent body of several competitions, integrating disciplines and rocking challenges!

A Radio-Controlled Robot Tournament
The game rules are set. The playing field is up. Let the games begin!

Teams build and program a robot capable of collaborating with other robots to play THE game, which varies from year to year. Over 3 days, heat after heat, robots, competitors, and fans invade the field and rock the stage! Most robots competing are not high-tech, they are ingenious student-tech!


A Programming Competition

Students write, robots do!

Even though programming is a big part of the Robot Tournament, the CRC Robotics Competition dedicates a unique challenge to programming alone, where students learn to solve real-life problems with their fingers. Let the code flow!

A Kiosk Competition
Creative zones: their home away from home!

A kiosk houses the robot and team members at the competition. The design of kiosks exploits students’ imagination, as they assess a way to maximize the use of space. Interior design and creativity in their most attractive and practical forms.

A Website Competition

Telling stories, sharing experiences, influencing, and interacting!

Building a website is a hub for design and innovation that sweeps over journalism, animations, functionality, and marketing.

A Video Competition

Aaaaaaaaaand ACTION!

Students pour their hearts and talents into the videos they produce to present their schools, their robots, and their vision of storytelling. Scripts, music, effects, and drama come together in a 5-minute video production.

Junior Robotics Competition

Discover your passion from a young age!

The CRC Robotics Competition also has a junior division where students from elementary schools across Quebec, Canada build robots from Lego Mindstorm and compete against each other in several fun challenges.

A Radio-Controlled Robot Tournament
The game rules are set. The playing field is up. Let the games begin!

Teams build and program a robot capable of collaborating with other robots to play THE game. Over 3 days, heat after heat, robots, competitors, and fans invade the field and rock the stage! Most robots competing are not high-tech, they are ingenious student-tech.

A Programming Competition
Students write, robots do!

Even though programming is a big part of the Robot Tournament, the CRC Robotics Competition dedicates a unique challenge to programming alone, where robots must perform autonomous tasks. Let the code flow!

A Kiosk Competition
Creative zones: their home away from home!

A kiosk houses the robot and team members at the competition. The design of kiosks exploits students’ imagination, as they assess a way to maximize the use of space. Interior design and creativity in their most attractive and practical forms.

A Website Competition
Telling stories, sharing experiences, influencing, and interacting!

Building a website is a hub for design and innovation that sweeps over journalism, animations, functionality, and marketing.

A Video Competition
Aaaaaaaaaand ACTION!

Students pour their hearts and talents into the videos they produce to present their schools, their robots, and their vision of storytelling. Scripts, music, effects, and drama come together in a 5-minute video production.

Here are a couple of the many amazing videos created by participants in previous years!

At a glance

First edition of the CRC Robotics Competition

student lives directly impacted since 2001

different schools involved over the years

All in all, the CRC Robotics Competition is not your average robotics competition

It makes the other competitions look average!

There is more to life than STEM. Fair play is fundamental for CRC Robotics and it is applied on all levels. In the competition structure, all teams are presented with the competition at the same time and complete all stages of the competition, all the way to the trophy, during the same 3 days.

Fair play is inherent in all details and in all processes of the competition, from qualifying to competing, and also through judging.  Students have the chance to present their work to the judges themselves and engage with them. Students learn through the evaluations because judges provide advice, feedback, and insight to the do’s and don’ts of their respective fields.

The CRC Robotics Competition’s focus is on the students and their journeys, and offers trophies for teams showing remarkable perseverance and sportsmanship.